Date & Time
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Registration at 5:30pm | Event at 6:00pm
Marines’ Memorial Theatre
609 Sutter Street, San Francisco

General McChrystal in Conversation with Jane Wales
General Stanley McChrystal, USA (Ret), in conversation with Jane Wales, CEO of the Global Philanthropy Forum and World Affairs Council, will speak on his latest book, Leaders: Myth and Reality, as well as his thirty-four years in the US Army, rising from a second lieutenant in the 82nd Airborne Division to a four-star general in command of all American and coalition forces in Afghanistan.
In his book, Leaders: Myth and Reality, General McChrystal profiles thirteen of history’s great leaders, including Walt Disney, Coco Chanel, and Robert E. Lee, to show that leadership is not what you think it is—and never was. He uses their stories to explore how leadership works in practice and to challenge the myths that complicate our thinking about this critical topic.
Tickets are available through City Box Office.
*When you get to the payment page, choose the member price of $30 per ticket or $55 with a copy of Leaders: Myth and Reality.
This program is co-sponsored with the World Affairs Council of California.