Not Just for Marines

July 10, 2021

I had been aware of the MMAF since the 1950’s when I visited San Francisco while undergoing Army advanced infantry training at Ft Ord. I always assumed that it was for Marines only. However, in 2007, I noticed that the MMAF had been added to the list of reciprocal clubs of the East India Club in London, which I had joined in 1968 Pakistan. While investigating the MMAF website I was surprised and enormously pleased to discovered that, even though I had been a Doggie, I could become a member. This I did immediately. Since then we have stayed at the MMFA on all our visits San Francisco – at least twice a year in pre-pandemic days. I have successfully encouraged several friends to join as well – including a Marine reserve Lt. Col and the then commanding officer of the famous fighting 69th New York Infantry.

Ronald Rosner