75 Years in the Making: San Francisco In 1946

July 31, 2021

San Francisco has been an integral part of our nation’s military history. After WWII, many American military personnel, who fell in love with the area while leaving for or returning from the Pacific, settled in San Francisco and prompted the total build out of the city. In 1945, the conference that formed the United Nations was held here, with the UN Charter being signed in the Herbst Theatre, a stone’s throw from the Club! Additionally, the Treaty of San Francisco, which formally ended war with Japan and established peaceful relations, was drafted and signed here six years later in 1951.

1946 stands out among those years for many reasons, not just because it was the San Francisco 49ers’ inaugural season, but it’s when Marines’ Memorial Club officially opened its doors! Take a peek at what the city looked like for our original members!

An aerial view of San Francisco with City Hall in the background

Looking down Sutter from Powell with MMA on the left

Sutter street from the west side of Stockton

Overcrowded Commute during Christmas 1946

Grant and Post with Owl Drug Store

Looking east on Mission

Post Street

Many Street Cars on Market

Kearny Street traffic jam

Bay Bridge traffic jam

No parking anywhere