1990 – Chairman of the Board

April 15, 2021

I served as a MARINE 1945-1946 and again 1950-1952 with a Year in Korea with the Weapons Company, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division.

While serving as the Managing Director of the St. Francis Hotel 1975 - 1989 I became involved in the CLUB. Upon my Retirement (after 40 Years) with Westin Hotels & Resorts (Now a part of the Marriott Corp.

In 1990 I joined the MMC Board and served as Chairman (I believe in 1991 or 1992? Memory Terrible).

In 1989, with the assistance of another SF Hotelier, Jerome Adams we assisted in locating a new Manager for them MMC, a gentleman formerly with Holidays. He did a great job of turning the Club around financially to operate more like a HOTEL producing an Operating level Break Even.

In the ensuing years I have enjoyed many MMC functions and Birthday Parties and have always enjoyed the association.


Robert Wilhelm